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Eyebrow segmentation (iOS)
Our Face AR SDK now supports eyebrow segmentation for iOS and macOS. We trained the neural network to recognize the eyebrows area on the face.
Eyebrow Segmentation Demo Real-time
Eyebrow detection can be used in beauty apps for makeup transfer tasks. Or you can integrate it into entertainment apps to cut out the real eyebrows, recolor, or add funny animation.
New Makeup API
We’ve been working on alleviating developers’ efforts for makeup try-on app development. Our new Makeup API reduces developers efforts for feature integration, eliminates the handwritten code duplicates and ensures consistency of code. Developers can use ready-made documented methods to call AR beauty features in their apps.
Additionally, the makeup effect design and customization capabilities extended too. You can create e-commrce try-on apps and advertise specific items or combine makeup into preset looks for beauty and selfie editors.
Also Read: How Makeup API Accelerates Beauty Try On App Development
SDK build for MacOS
To extend our Face AR SDK platform support, we added the SDK build for MacOS. Developers can now create and preview apps on MacOS 10.13 and up, while users can experience amazing Face AR experiences beyond iPhones, on their desktop too. Refer to the List of features for detailed information about platform availability.
Face Tracking Switch Off
To minify the SDK size, we added the ability to enable effects and neural networks without face recognizer. Some SDK features like background subtraction or hair detection use neural networks to perform a task and don't require face tracking. By disabling it, developers can decrease the app size and achieve better performance due to saved capacity.
Fixed or Adaptive FPS (Android)
Developers can now set camera FPS on Android to fixed or adaptive mode. The fixed mode provides stable FPS values or stops consuming capacity for camera exposure if these values can’t be achieved, e.g. low lighting conditions. The adaptive mode adjusts the camera exposure trying to search for the face even with low lighting conditions.
For the full list of bug fixes and improvements, visit our Release Note Page.
Explore how our Face AR SDK can help you to empower your app with some amazing features that your users will love.