Royalty-free music
Now your users would be able to access over 35 GB of tracks in different genres and keys. They won’t need to go out of your app – the convenient music browser will handle all their needs. The tracks are royalty-free, which means they can be used in social media content without fear of copyright strikes.
Contact your Banuba representative to learn more about Banuba's Royalty-free
music library.

Green screen
Banuba’s cutting edge background replacement has become even more precise. It doesn’t require a physical green screen, with neural networks doing everything. The user can change the background to a predefined picture, or choose one from their gallery.
Note that this feature requires Face AR SDK with background segmentation.

Arabic AI captions
Our innovative AI closed captions now support Arabic (Standard and Gulf dialects). If you target Middle East, your audience will surely enjoy the expanded opportunities for self-expression and ease of use.
Migration guides